Wednesday, December 20

Some stuff.

H U is for Le Monde sauté H A

Just a quick update. A lot of work to do today and in the next two. My desk looks quite scary with a lot of paper, empty and filled cups of coffee and a bunch of toystuff standing around. So the next post will obviously be on the weekend. Perhaps then I can tell something about the APSotW stuff that Russell is going through right now.

By the way a big hello to the readers from the USA and the UK who visited this blog. I never thought that you exist. Or that someone actually would read this but my ZoomCloud told me that it was used by users from USA, UK, Germany and from "?". Quite surprising. But in a nice way.

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Tuesday, December 19

Maple Task.

Being a member of Russell's audience (subliminal advertising: go, visit his blog.) for a long time I decided to become student of the Account Planning School of the Web. Though I'm not a planner but a copywriter. I didn't manage to meet the deadline for the first assignments but then started my return to school with some stuff about maple syrup. The task was to think of five propositions for that natural sweetener. Well, here they are:

1. Makes Mondays Sundays.

2. Tops everything.

3. Made in Trees.

4. Make up the wake up.

5. The only thing Canada is famous for.

After a short discussion with famous art director Toby I left out "Mother nature's sweetest gift" because we both thought that "Made in Trees" as a synonym for the "Made in"-thing is a better start up for the creatives. So, any comments?

By the way you may be interested in the propositions that other classmates came up with:
Adrian Lai
Daniel Mejia


Friday, December 15

Snaps Of The Day.

With Pascal, a fantastic director of photography and friend, at Zoe's.
With Pascal at Zoe's
Mandy and Anne simultaneously checking mails at nhb studio.
At nhb
At the agency with the gorgeous and full-haired Toby visiting the office of my art directress Nina and me.
Double AD-Power.
Desktop Left
Desktop Right
At home playing some FIFA Soccer 2007.
Goal Javier
Hertha - Schalke 15:0

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Wednesday, December 13

Come Tell Me, Mr Lee.

Mr Lee, December 13th


Sunday, December 10

This Bud's For You Mr. Thieving Gipsy Fucker.

What do you do, when you are a retarded drunk bastard walking to the toilet and thinking about taking pictures of your crown jewels to scare the underaged friends of your little sister? Yeah, you search the jackets of people having a christmas party in the same club and steal some money to get even more pissed and, well, a camera to take some pictures. So Mr. I am to much of a sissy to beat people up in a dark street and that's why I steal the stuff when they don't see me: I hope you bought some really bad drinks with my € 100 and I think you had approx. 5 minutes of fun with my digital camera. With empty batteries and no power supply. But I give a big and lovely "Cheers!" to you, Mr. Charity Guy, because you left € 5 for me and my credit cards. So crack open a nice, cold Bud Light Mr. Quick-Handed Braveheart and give a warm welcome to the cheerful "Thanks" I am sending to you via internet.

This Bud's For You.


Thursday, December 7

The Great Escapade

Last friday one of my friends, the irresistible small Master of Photography Pascal Remond, hosted the greatest REMMIDEMMI of all times. It took place in Berlin and was incredible. Unfortunately I was not able to go there, but here are some remarkable impressions of this big night out.


Monday, December 4

Wohin soll das alles nur führen?

Ich breche schon wieder die englisch-Regel dieses Blogs, aber das wird den zwei deutschen Lesern wahrscheinlich egal sein. War in der Mittagspause draußen und hab dieses dufte Foto gemacht. Das schildert so schön meinen derzeitigen Weg. Er führt nur in eine Richtung, die Frage ist nur: in welche?

Where do you want to go today?
