Thursday, October 11

yeah! YEAH! Y-E-A-H!

The perfect song for everything from A to Z, from 7 am to 1 am. For getting up, for taking a shower, for walking to the Great Portland Street Station, for standing on the tube, for sitting on the tube, for leaving the tube, for walking along Bishopsgate, for entering the agency, for making coffee, for answering emails, for writing posts, for swearing on other blogs, for writing copy, for having lunch, for thinking, for coming up with stuff, for leaving the agency, got it, have you?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

getting told we cannot do so early in the morning huh? enjoy your day!

12:15 pm, October 11, 2007  
Blogger lauren said...

when you make me that mix-tape i know you're going to send me, can you make sure this one is on it, please.. :)

12:05 am, October 16, 2007  

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