Thursday, October 11


It's always hard to create the ad that follows an ad that was loved and awarded by both consumers and creatives. The "Balls" ad for SONY by Fallon London is probably the best example. Over the last days two new commercials aired. One for the international market created by Fallon, the highly discussed "Play-Doh Bunnies". And on the other side a film done for the Asian market by Young&Rubicam (correct me if I am wrong). It's all about colourful yarn and a pyramide.

Which one do you prefer or like?

"Play-Doh Bunnies" by Fallon London

"Pyramide" by Young&Rubicam


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like the pyramid better. It somehow conveys more of the magic tha the "balls" one had.

10:39 pm, October 14, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have a story about the Pyramids one ... we should talk!

3:54 pm, October 17, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And no, it's not one of mine - even though they've used our FEEL strat.

3:54 pm, October 17, 2007  

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