Monday, February 26

Things of Minor Interest: fivetonine magazine.

There's always some free stuff, mags and sometimes gummi bears laying around at our post boxes. Today I took the free magazine fivetonine with me. Designated for a quick read while going home with the underground, I thought. Well, it was a quick read indeed. It took me 7 minutes to go through. Altogether a mixture of mindless blah, topics from yesterday and some pseudo high-fashion-photography. The only two pages worth a read were an article about various styles of moustaches and a thingy-page featuring a new BE@ARBRICK by the lovely folks at Medicom Toys. The brave makers of fivetonine in turn describe their output and mission as follows:

"We at fivetonine, the lifestyle magazine of WirtschaftsWoche, Germany's leading business weekly, take a holistic approach to life. We are aware that professionals who act as trailblazers and decision makers in the world of business want top level information and entertainment in their private sphere, too. We are insiders in the world of executives, this high-earning group of opinion leaders, we know all about their tastes, their needs and their discerning standards."

Name development extraordinaire by the way. Hey, why not flip "ninetofive" to "fivetonine" because we're the free time magazine for trailblazing business professionals. Brilliant. Hello, insiders in the world of executives (obviously not my world) thanks for filling my day with 7 minutes of shallowbrained non-entertainment. You're really cool (a word your editors obviously like to use). Honestly.


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